ceremony (photo: bill whitt)
dad and i, down the isle 🙂 (photo: bill whitt)
ohhh you know i had everyone on their feet. you know how i do! (photo: bill whitt)
back down the isle to "send me" by lecrae....oh yeah.... (photo: marjorie jones)
these little kissing bells became SO annoying! not that i mind kissing my husband...but breathing is nice too... (photo: marjorie jones)
the fun has arriiiiiiiived! (photo: bill whitt)
most stellar wedding party of all time. period. i love these people. (photo: bill whitt)
reception site! (photo: bill whitt)
our reception was themed around the chris rice song "lemonade" so we handed out bags of lemonade as favors! (photo: bill whitt)
our most fantastic, polka dotted, super yummy wedding cake! (photo: bill whitt)
we're kind of in love, it's true. (photo: bill whitt)
I love this! It was so much fun…. I LOVE YOU BOTH!!!!!!