give me a crowne

give me a crowne

i am officially the queen of clumsy.

i blog to you for the second time today, this time coming from the lobby computer in the crowne plaza hotel in milwaukee.

“why?” you may ask, well dear blog followers let me tell you…

i have locked my keys in my running car.

true story.

our windshield wiper is funny sometimes with the snow and about halfway home from the coffee shop (site of previous blog entry) the wipers started acting up.  i pulled over to fix them and, much to my dismay, out of habit i locked my door as i stepped out of the car.  leaving it running.

stupid. stupid. stupid.

on the bright side, i’ve been catching up on my apartment therapy reading.   in the re-nest  portion of their site i read an entry about sparking your inner creative genious by creating something each day for an entire year.  i suppose i’m a bit late for new years resolutions, but carpe diem baby, i accept the challenge!  watch in the upcoming 365 days for a new “creation” each day.

now if i can only get home…


  1. Michele on January 19, 2011 at 2:21 am

    Hopefully you have made it home at this time. Thanks for letting us have a little insight to your lives.
    So glad that your ministry is going well, this makes me happy for you.

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