Weekend Reading (and indulging in my love for parenthetical notes)

Weekend Reading (and indulging in my love for parenthetical notes)

So much good stuff this week!

Ben and I dedicated Cadence last Sunday.  Really, we dedicated ourselves as parents – which is rather intimidating, even though we’ve been parents for a year now. I am so thankful to be raising our daughter in such a wonderful community surrounded by so many who will faithfully point her to Christ.

This service was followed by the most epic first birthday party to ever hit humanity.  40 people.  In our living room.  For serious.   And Cadence loved it.  I didn’t know children could be extroverts already at the age of 1.

Ash Wednesday.  The sobering of my heart for Lent. Meditation and reflection is always good for my soul.  Silence is a heartsong of sorts for me.

Free day at the Art Museum.

Thrifted jewelry, soy candles and Sevenly shirts that will help free a little girl from an Indian brothel.  Happy Jesus-justice-hippie Valentines Day!

200ish people gathered to learn how to fight sex-trafficking locally.

Family.  Anodyne lattes.  A tweet from Rachel Held Evans.

This is going to be a tough week to beat.

The internet was pretty gracious as well. It helps that I actually had time to read for fun this week.

Sarcasm Alert: The Kitchen has a Feminine Feel in the Bible
(Seriously, I laughed out loud.)

How food Companies Exploit Americans
(This is real life people, know it.)

A Preface
(So excited to read what this new blogger has to say moving forward!)

A Message that Made My Day
(Love this so, so, so very much!)

Rejecting the Premise: Questions of Sex and Sin
(I don’t know if I agree with everything here, but SO very thought provoking.)

Stepping Down,  Speaking Up
(This lady is definitely on my list of “bloggers i love and would absolutely love to get coffee with, in a totally non-creepy ‘i’ve only read about you on the internet’ sort of way [if that way exists]”)

Scripture that is resonating:

Deuteronomy 10 and Isaiah 58

I’m totally noshing on:

Girl Scout cookies.  Just being honest.
I also made these awesome gluten-free puffy Brazilian cheese pastries for Cadence’s party! (I used cheddar cheese instead of parmesan because cheddar is almost always better.)

Most read post:

My Manifesto
(or, how motherhood unexpectedly turned me into a feminist)

Welcome to all of you who are new readers – thanks for your time, I am truly honored.

Hoping that your weekend is drenched in the Holy Spirit, full of good coffee, thought-provoking reads, deep belly laughs and the people you love most.



  1. Anna Gravier (@annagravier) on February 16, 2013 at 8:57 pm

    Ditto on wanting to get coffee with Emily Maynard…if we did it together, would it be less creepy? I just love the space she creates for people to tell their stories.

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