
11,000 words about our wedding…

By Megan Westra / June 7, 2010 /
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eat, drink and be married

By Megan Westra / June 6, 2010 /

we did it! the knot is tied! the vows have been repeated! whatever gets hitched is, well, hitched! WE’RE MARRIED!!!!! and we love it. our wedding was absolutely beyond what i had ever dreamed of or planned for…and believe me, i did a LOT of dreaming and planning!Ā Ā thanks so much to all of you who…

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By Megan Westra / April 26, 2010 /

as promised, the long-awaitedĀ milwaukee post! last weekend ben and iĀ drove up from bluefieldĀ to milwaukee, wisconsin to check out transformation city churchĀ and all that God is doing there. we alsoĀ pit stopped in grand rapids, michiganĀ to visit grandma betty (on ben’s side) – whom iĀ had never met before. pure awesomeness. i love spunky old people šŸ™‚ let…

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oswald's thought for the day

By Megan Westra / April 12, 2010 /

“eternal life has nothing to do with time, it is the life which Jesus lived when HeĀ  was down here.Ā  the only source of life is the Lord Jesus Christ.Ā  the weakest saint can experience the power of the Deity of the Son of God if once he is willing to ‘let go’.Ā  any strand…

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rated G: this preview has been approved for all audiences

By Megan Westra / April 11, 2010 /

ever since the orlando blume movieĀ  elizabethtown sauntered into my life long about eleventh grade i’ve been utterly enamored by the concept of road trips. last summer driving west on I-40 from north carolina to california cemented this love affair completely. that being said, ben and i are driving to milwaukee, wisconsin this week; making…

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sunny days

By Megan Westra / April 6, 2010 /

today a lady at the bank asked me when iĀ was getting married.Ā  iĀ told her may, and then as iĀ wrote my check iĀ realized that this is april.Ā  wowzers!Ā  i never expected it to go this fast! this past weekend was beautiful.Ā  iĀ was filled with wonder and joy as ben and iĀ celebrated the resurrection of our Lord…

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just breathe

By Megan Westra / March 30, 2010 /

so i finally have a chance to write a little more.Ā Ā  (dear blog readers, i promise i haven’t forgotten you!) i wrote briefly earlier about how i’ve struggled with stress (which ultimately stems from worry and a lack of belief in God’s sovereign ability to hold life together) but i wanted to take the time…

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our story

By Megan Westra / February 2, 2010 /

as promised, here is our love story.Ā  we happen to think that it’s absolutely ridiculous how evidentĀ God’s hand is the whole way through, and it is our prayer that youĀ gain a deeper understanding of God’s faithfulness, sovereignty and loveĀ more than anything from our story. rewind the clockĀ two years.Ā  it’s the spring of 2008. ben and…

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Ben's Story

By Megan Westra / December 10, 2009 /

I first heard about the Wade Center when my Dad visited it as part of a presbytery meeting with the Evangelical Presbyterian Church.Ā  He told me that it sounded like a really cool place, and that it was something I should look in toā€¦but I ignored him.Ā  Wade resurfaced in my life when my friend…

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Megan's story

By Megan Westra / December 10, 2009 /

I first came to Wade in the Fall of 2006.Ā  When asked by the financial aid office at Bluefield College whether I would prefer to work in the biology laboratory or at this community center that was trying to start an after school program her decision was simple:Ā  kids beat dirty test tubes any day!Ā …

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